CITY CHURCH Fairfield and CITY CHURCH Bakersfield (Allen and South Gate) are “Missional” Churches. We believe God commands us to help people locally in our neighborhoods and surrounding communities in the best ways possible for the area. We are a church that fulfills our calling by serving through our churches and outreach programs like FREE Food Distribution.
We are part of Grace International Churches and Ministries, Inc., out of Houston Texas.
Our programs at CITY CHURCH Fairfield are unique and include the: City Livin’ Center, City Navigation Center, City Free Clinic, City Park ‘n Sleep, and City Strike Force, We also have a Community Garden!
CITY CHURCH Bakersfield (both Allen and South Gate) have a separate website and plan.
For ease, CITY CHURCH Fairfield has its own App click here
About the Lead Pastors
Pastor Scott Mulvey is the Lead Pastor of CITY CHURCH Bakersfield (Allen & South Gate), and Fairfield. Pastor Scott is the Director of all our ministries and outreaches. He is ordained with Grace International (Houston, TX), and he serves as the Northern California Nevada (NorCalNev) Superintendent. Pastor Scott has taught Bible college courses and has spent many hours studying the Word of God. Scott has always been a Bi-Vocational pastor and because of it, he has gained a vast business background that God has given him to build many successful businesses and ministries. Scott has pastored in Los Angeles, San Francisco, Livermore, Discovery Bay, and Brentwood, CA. Pastor Scott has a huge heart for people. He cares for the less fortunate and brokenhearted with a passion. His easy style of ministering/teaching is full of deep insight that makes his messages easy to understand. Pastor Scott Mulvey is principled and very committed to what God has called him to do at City Church 2:42 (named after Acts 2:42).
Pastor Deborah Mulvey serves with her husband Scott Mulvey as Lead Pastor at City Church at all 3 locations and is ordained with Grace International. Also Bi-Vocational, Deborah has served as a Church Executive Administrator, CFO, Web Designer, Video & Graphics Specialist, Worship Leader, Choir Director, Sunday School Teacher, Ladies and Teen Ladies Group Leader, etc. Deborah is a gifted singer, teacher, counselor, and she holds a degree in Organizational Behavioral with the University of San Francisco.
Pastors Scott and Deborah Mulvey personally invite you to Visit THIS Sunday, receive a loving welcome, and have a delicious lunch every Sunday with us!
“At the Heart of the City
With the City at Heart“

We are Here for You!
Our Goal