Prayer for Salvation

Prayer for Salvation

Accepting Jesus as Your Savior

If you want to accept Jesus Christ as your Personal Savior and ensure that your name is written in the Lamb’s Book of Life, follow this simple prayer guideline:

1. Bow your head and Humbly and Respectfully address God the Father.

2. Acknowledge your sins–Be Brutally Honest!

3. Ask for Forgiveness for your sins and then Repent: Turn in the direction towards God’s Biblical ways. Loving Jesus you won’t want to pursue behaviors of your old life.

4. Voice (say out loud that) Jesus Christ is YOUR Personal Savior. Believe in Him to save you!

5. Admit that YOU cannot pay for your sins, but ONLY the acceptance of the Blood of Jesus on the Cross can!

6. Ask for the Holy Spirit to come and dwell within you to empower and guide you daily.

7. Praise and Thank God for His marvelous salvation!

8. Say “AMEN” to end your prayer meaning “certainly,” “it is so,” or “so be it.” 

You are Officially “Born Again”!

Welcome to the Family of GOD!! Tell others about your new personal relationship with Jesus Christ! Most of your family and friends will see a noticeable difference in you. All your old ways and things have passed away! You are a NEW Creation!

What’s Next?

Begin Reading the Bible. We recommend beginning with the Psalms and then the Gospel of John or one of the other Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke and John) to read for yourself what Jesus did and taught during His time on earth. 

Begin Praying Daily–talking to God directly in a natural and Father-Like relationship. Jesus loves you and does not need His name repeated 10 times or empty words spoken to him. Start with Praise and Thanksgiving, then let anything else be said.

Be Baptized. Baptism represents your new life in Christ and proclaims that you are committed to Jesus. We perform full body baptism at City Church. Talk to Pastor Scott about it (or any of our other Pastors), and Sign up for the very next Baptism.

Attend Church Regularly and Give. We believe we should not forsake (ignore) the assembling of other Christians. Giving comes naturally and it is with joy!

If you want or need prayer, please call our Main Office at 707-426-2172, or go to the Contact page and send us an email.

God Bless you and enjoy your daily interactions with our Living God and Savior Jesus Christ! Your JOY will be your strength! The Holy Spirit lives within you to help you along on your new life, so turn to Him often for guidance, truth, and strength.